Monday, May 27, 2013

Oxidative Stress Treatments

1. Reduce Exposure to Free Radicals- The best oxidative stress treatment is to limit exposure to free radicals, these are defined as substances that attach themselves to your DNA and can harm the way healthy cells function. When there are too many free radicals in  your environment- and not enough antioxidants such as coffeeberry, acai berry and vitamin D in order to neutralize their behavior, oxidative stress results. Above all you want to reduce the amount of exposure that your body is getting to these free radicals by stopping things like smoking and excessive alcohol or exposure to sunlight. oxidative_stress
2. Eat Foods Rich in Antioxidants – Boost your natural supply of antioxidants by eating foods rich in beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C and E. Natural sources of these vitamins include many vegetables and fruits, such as apples, broccoli, peaches, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots, citrus fruits and most berries especially coffeeberry. Eat at  least three daily servings of antioxidant-rich produce to reap the health benefits. Switch from regular coffee and teas to green tea and antioxidant coffees such as café rosso, which is high in antioxidants. Drink red wine to combat free radicals. Experiment with stir-fry  recipes or other vegetarian meals to combine a variety of colorful vegetables  into a healthy meal.
3. Exercise Regularly – Daily exercise can help prevent oxidative stress. Working out increases your body’s need for oxygen, making you produce more free  radicals. At the same time, exercising increases your body’s defenses,  decreasing oxidative damage. If you have health conditions that make it  difficult for you to exercise, talk to your doctor about putting together a  workout plan that won’t tax your system. Start out slow and gradually increase  your physical activity as you feel able.
4. Take an Herbal Supplement - Recently there have been many innovations in the area of herbal supplements and their treatment of oxidative stress.  One of those such areas is by the discovery of something called Protandim which is a supplement that attacks oxidative stress on the cellular level.
For more information about what Lifevantage Protandim is and exactly how it works please click the following link Lifevantage Protandim

protandim protandim for dogs

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